
If you learn, then from the best! We invite law students to a paid long-term internship if there are vacancies for a period of 3 months or more, with the opportunity to remain in the company.

Begin your legal career at Melling, Voitishkin & Partners
Start your path
to the profession with us
more then
We offer the best
Участие в знаковых
Высокое вознаграждение
Менторская программа
We invite the best
Join if you:
study in the final<br> courses of a bachelor master's degree' title='study in the final
courses of a bachelor's or
master's degree'>
show high<br> academic performance
are in love with jurisprudence<br>and are ready to devote time to it
Select an internship office
Internships in Moscow
Internships in St. Petersburg
Internships in Moscow
Make sure that all requirements for participation in the selection complied
and there are open vacancies
Fill out an application on the website and select from one to three legal practices for an internship
Submit your resume in Russian
or English, also cover letter in English
Pass an interview with the HR department and testing in jurisprudence and English
Complete the interview
with lawyers and partners
Receive an invitation
for an internship
Internships in St. Petersburg
Убедитесь, что все требования к участию в отборе соблюдены
и есть открытые вакансии
Заполните заявку на сайте
Направьте резюме на русском или английском языке и сопроводительное письмо на английском языке
Пройдите интервью с HR-отделом и тестирование по юриспруденции и английскому языку
Пройдите интервью
с юристами и партнерами
Получите приглашение
на стажировку
Fill out the application form
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