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Practice Focus
Anastasia specializes in mergers and acquisitions and general corporate law.
Representative Legal Matters
  • Advised Marubeni Corporation in connection with the establishment of a joint venture with Russian Railways to operate medical checkup and prevention centers across Russia in order to give the patients an access to the best class services and diagnostics methods in healthcare.
  • Advised a large international oil and gas company in connection with setting up a joint venture with a Russian partner.
  • Advised a majority shareholder in a corporate conflict with a minority shareholder.
  • Advised an international logistic company in connection with setting up a factoring business in the Russian Federation.
  • Conducted due diligences of Russian legal entities prior to the acquisition of their shares (participation interests) by foreign investors.
  • Drafted contracts, corporate documents and memoranda on matters of corporate law.
  • Advised clients on various issues with regard to establishing of Russian subsidiaries of foreign legal entities.
  • Involvement in day-to-day advice on corporate matters.
  • Moscow State University (MSU), LL.M., 2018
  • Moscow State University (MSU), Law Degree, 2016
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